Top 11 states with the most expensive childcare - ForumDaily
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Top 11 states with the most expensive child care

Most Americans know that raising children is not a cheap pleasure. Most of the expenses are paid for hospital expenses, healthy food and college. No less expensive and early education. In many states, the cost of caring for a child, until he reaches school age, can be more expensive than the cost of college.

Фото: Depositphotos

Фото: Depositphotos

According to the report, 66% of parents are surprised at how much childcare costs them.

Most American families pay more to care for a child 10% of their income. In the most expensive states, this percentage is even higher.

Here is a list of the most expensive child care states from 11.

  1. Wisconsin
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 9 598 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 10,9

In most states, caring for newborns is more expensive than caring for babies or preschoolers, as they require constant care.

In Wisconsin, caring for an infant is more expensive than raising a preschooler at $11 per year, or 250% of family income.

  1. Montana
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 8 299 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 11

The state ranks 19th in infant care at $9 per year, or 383% ​​of family income.

  1. Washington
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 9 887 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 11
  1. Minnesota
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 11 420 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 11,4

The state ranks third in the nation for infant care, costing $3—14% of family income.

  1. Washington, DC
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 17 863 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 11,4

Caring for children in the capital of our country costs astronomical amounts per year. Real costs make it difficult for single parents in this region. With a modest average income of $ 25 194, the cost of caring for a preschooler consumes a whopping 70,9% of income.

Infant care is even more expensive at $22 per year, which is 658% for couples and 14,5% for single parents.

  1. Oregon
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 9 108 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 11,7

Low wages compared to Washington means that childcare costs take a larger share of wages. Oregon takes 4 place at the cost of child care, it is 15,3% of the income for married couples.

Фото: Depositphotos

Фото: Depositphotos

  1. Vermont
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 1440 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 11,9

Vermont takes 5 place in terms of the most expensive care for children of preschool age. Single parents pay 42,9% for this from their income.

  1. Colorado
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 11 089 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 12,1

Spouses will pay an average of $ 14 950 per infant, which is 16,3% of their total family income. In this case, it is the most expensive baby care in the country.

  1. Nevada
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 8 768 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 12,3

The cost of child care in Nevada is actually relatively low compared to some of the other states on this list, but a lower joint income of $ 71 860 means that he still takes 12,3% of the couple’s income for their preschooler to attend. day care center.

  1. New York
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 11 700 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 12,3

New York is known for its high educational standards, which could be part of the explanation why childcare centers are so expensive. Single parents must give 45% of their income to pay for child care. This is the second largest figure among our top-11 states.

  1. Hawaii
  • Average cost of care for an 4 year old child: $ 11 232 per year
  • Percentage of income for couples: 12

Parents in this state are forced to pay the largest percentage of their income for some form of day care centers, amounting to 13% of their salaries. Infant care is the second highest in the country, requiring 15,7% of a parent's income—$13 per year.

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