Ten Things You Can Get for Free at Disneyland - ForumDaily
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Ten things you can get for free at Disneyland

Disneyland may be the happiest place on Earth, but the park certainly isn't the cheapest vacation spot. A day here will cost 500-1000 dollars per person.

However, there are tons of hidden discounts and giveaways at Disneyland—you just need to know where to look.

Edition Woman's day gathered the top 10 of the hidden free features of this park.

1. Recipe Cards

Tiki Juice Bar, famous for its whipped cream with a tropical flavor, distributes pineapple desserts for free. Gourmets can also contact the park administration to find out how many of the most famous Disneyland dishes are prepared.

2. Architectural tour

The Grand Californian Hotel, located on the territory of Disneyland, offers free tours for all comers, during which attentive visitors have a chance to see the hidden pictures of Mickey Mouse.

3. Balloon replacement

The remains of burst balloons purchased in the park can be exchanged for new balloons for free.

4. Photos on the rides

By taking a picture of the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, you can send your pictures to yourself by email, thereby saving money on expensive photo prints. But this service does not work on other attractions.

5. Jedi training

Star Wars fans at Disneyland now have the opportunity to register for training in the morning and return at the appointed time. During the lessons, the young Jedi will be dressed in a mantle, offered to participate in the battle, and will be given a certificate of successful completion of the Jedi training.

6. Free snack

Located in the park, the Boudin bakery offers visitors tasting tours, during which you can grab a free sample of bread sourdough.

7. Popcorn Tasting

Many of the food outlets in Disneyland will offer you to try your product before you buy it. Therefore, you can try different versions of popcorn before purchasing it for free.

8. Event Icons

Disneyland has badges for any event. Photo: Instagram

In Disneyland there are icons for any event.
Photo: Instagram

Disneyland has special badges for a birthday, honeymoon, anniversary and just about any other holiday. Just go to the visitors kiosk and get yours.

9. Buffet for small children

Kids under the age of 3 can eat free at any of the buffet restaurants in the park.

10. Newspapers

You can read fake news at Disneyland. Photo: Instagram

In Disneyland, you can read fake news for free.
Photo: Instagram

At Disneyland, you can read the fictional news for 1920's for free. Newspapers with this news can be obtained at the “Red Car” trolleybus stop.

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