Ten Air Routes Most Likely to Experience Severe Turbulence - ForumDaily
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Ten Air Routes Most Likely to Experience Severe Turbulence

Turbulence is a common occurrence during flights. It occurs for many reasons and in many regions, but some are particularly susceptible to it. Edition Economic Times provides a list of the most turbulent routes in 2024.

Photo: Artyomanikeev | Dreamstime.com

Mountains, air currents and weather conditions are the main causes of turbulence. Air currents are often unpredictable in mountainous regions, so flying over the Andes or the Himalayas is especially turbulent.

In addition, global warming increases the frequency and intensity of processes that affect the physical properties of the atmosphere, in particular “pure turbulence,” which occurs suddenly and without visible signs.

The list of turbulent routes was compiled according to the rating data from Turbli, a resource that analyzed more than 10 destinations connecting 000 of the world's largest airports.

On the subject: What is turbulence and why does it happen: over the past 40 years, problems due to it have increased

The level of turbulence is measured using the eddy dissipation rate (EDR). It is classified as follows: light (0-20), moderate (20-40), severe (40-60), severe (60-80), extreme (80-100)). Its parameters indicate how turbulent the airspace is through which the aircraft is passing. Pilots and airlines use this data to more accurately predict and assess turbulence in order to improve passenger safety and comfort.

Mendoza – Santiago: Argentina – Chile (196 km)

Topping the list of the most turbulent destinations is the short route between Mendoza and Santiago. These 196 kilometers run through the Andes, one of the most rugged mountain ranges in the world. The high peaks and weather conditions in the region contribute to frequent turbulence. The average reading on this route is 24,684.

Cordoba – Santiago: Argentina – Chile (660 km)

The 660-mile flight from Cordoba to Santiago is another turbulent route, also through the Andes. The average elevation for this route is 20,214, making it one of the most turbulent in the world.

Mendoza – Salta: Argentina (940 km)

The flight between Mendoza and Salta (940 km) passes through difficult terrain and areas with adverse weather conditions. The average atmospheric pressure is 19,825 units, making this route one of the most turbulent in South America.

Kathmandu – Lhasa: Nepal – Tibet (571 km)

One of the most turbulent routes in Asia is the flight between Kathmandu, Nepal, and Lhasa, Tibet. The 571-kilometer (18,817-mile) route passes through the Himalayas, famous for their high peaks. Turbulence here is caused by a combination of mountain winds and rapidly changing weather conditions. The average is XNUMX.

Chengdu – Lhasa: China (1265 km)

This route covers 1265 kilometers, which is known for its high turbulence. Its average parameters are 18,644. The flight passes through high mountain areas, especially near the Tibetan plateau.

Santa Cruz – Santiago: Bolivia – Chile (1905 km)

This is another turbulent route in South America. It is 1905 km long and the reason for the change in the physical properties of the atmosphere is the same Andes. The average turbulence level is 18,598.

Kathmandu – Paro: Nepal – Bhutan (402 km)

The route from Kathmandu to Paro (402 km) is known for its turbulence due to flying over steep mountains and frequent strong winds. The average change in the physical properties of the atmosphere is 18,563.

Christchurch - Wellington: New Zealand (304 km)

In Oceania, the route between Christchurch and Wellington (304 km) is often subject to strong air currents, especially when crossing Cook Strait. The average turbulence level for this route is 14,46.

Durban – Johannesburg: South Africa (478 km)

In Africa, the most turbulent flight is from Durban to Johannesburg (478 km). The influence of the Indian Ocean winds and mountain ranges makes this route turbulent with an average of 15,064 units.

Nice – Geneva: France – Switzerland (299 km)

This European route passes through the Alps and is known for being bumpy in adverse weather, measuring an average of 16,065.

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