Plane crash in Brazil: 62 people died - the cause could have been icing on the plane - ForumDaily
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Plane crash in Brazil: 62 people died - the cause could have been icing on the plane

The twin-engine turboprop plane was flying from Cascavel in the southern state of Parana to Guarulhos Airport in Sao Paulo when it crashed in the city of Vinhedo on August 9. 62 people died in the disaster. As the investigation into the incident continues, new details about the victims emerge, writes Air Force

Photo: Glowonconcept |

Among the dead were oncologists, a three-year-old child, a lawyer who specializes in lawsuits against airlines, as well as a Venezuelan family and their dog, local media reported.

All bodies have already been recovered.

En route from Cascavel in the southern state of Parana to Guarulhos Airport in Sao Paulo, a twin-engine turboprop plane unexpectedly crashed in the city of Vinhedo.

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Footage posted on social networks shows the aircraft spinning in a spiral and diving vertically.

The plane crashed in a residential area. Fortunately, no city residents were injured. Officials said only one home was damaged at a local condominium.

Among the dead passengers were two doctors from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel, Mariana Belim and Ariane Risso. They were heading to a medical conference.

Three-year-old Liz Ibba dos Santos, the youngest victim of the crash, was flying with her father Rafael Fernando dos Santos. Her mother, a journalist, was not on board.

Other victims included a family returning to their native Venezuela after giving up their dream of a new life in Brazil: Josglaidys Gonzalez was flying with her mother, Maria Gladys Parra Holguin, and her young son, Joslan Perez.

According to a family friend who posted on social media, the three left Venezuela due to economic difficulties. They moved to Cascavel, but were unable to sort out issues with Joslan’s documents there, since the boy was born in Venezuela but grew up in Brazil.

To put his documents in order in the hope of starting a new life in neighboring Colombia, they returned to their homeland.

This family planned to board a plane to Sao Paulo to fly to northern Brazil and complete their trip by bus.

A family friend, Taiza Evangelista, said they had friends in Colombia who could help them get settled.

Evangelista received a message from Hosgladis just before she was about to board the plane.

The airline later confirmed that Khosgladis, her mother and infant son were among the dead.

Their dog Luna was on the plane with them because Joslan's mother couldn't bear to be separated from their pet, a family friend said. For this purpose, the owners vaccinated the dog, as required by the airline.

Among the dead was lawyer Layana Vasatta, who worked as a judge in the state of Parana and also represented clients in lawsuits against airlines. Shortly before this, she posted a video on social networks with recommendations for consumers.

Several lucky passengers were unable to board their flight due to an error in selecting the boarding gate, writes CNN.

One passenger who missed the plane told Brazilian publication Globo that at least 10 people waited at the wrong gate and missed the ill-fated flight. Realizing their mistake, they tried to persuade the airport staff to let them on the plane, but they said that they could not do this because they had “already exceeded the passenger limit.”

The state of Sao Paulo said it had completed the operation to recover the victims' bodies from the crash site on the evening of August 3. The bodies of 34 men and 28 women have been moved to a police morgue in the city of Sao Paulo, where they will be identified and released to their families.

Authorities are still trying to determine what caused the aircraft to crash unexpectedly.

Analysis of the plane's flight recorders has already begun, and the Brazilian Air Force said a preliminary report would be released in 30 days.

However, according to the German publication Bild, pilots believe that the main reason that the plane crashed to the ground from an altitude of 4 thousand km in less than a minute could have been icing on the wings. Local pilots flying in the area of ​​the crash that day took photographs of the icy glass of their cockpits. On the day of the crash, the region was under an icing warning due to high humidity and low air temperatures. It concerned heights from 3 to 650 m. In addition, there was a warning about turbulence, so a combination of these factors could lead to a crash.

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This was the worst plane crash in Brazil since 2007. Then a TAM Express plane crashed and caught fire at Congonhas Airport in Sao Paulo, killing 199 people.

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