Which US cities process green card applications faster - ForumDaily
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Which US cities process green card applications faster

The average processing time for a green card application for permanent residence in the United States is about 18 months. That is, it can take more than a year to obtain it, which is quite a long time. But there are places where you can get a green card faster, the site writes Vigo.

Photo: Tang90246 | Dreamstime.com

Many immigrants living in the United States dream of obtaining permanent residence. The path to obtaining a green card includes several important steps.

4 main steps to get a green card:

  • fill in I-485 form;
  • submit all required documents;
  • submit biometric data;
  • Pass the interview.

This process is managed by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which has 89 offices across the country. However, the processing time for your application may vary significantly from office to office.

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Are you considering applying for permanent residence in the United States? Understanding how long it may take to process Form I-485 will help you plan your steps effectively. According to USCIS, the average wait time has been fairly stable over the past five years, averaging 18 months. For example, here is the processing time for a green card application in California.

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You can check the processing time for different types of immigration applications using this instrument on the website of the Immigration Service.

Cities Where the Green Card Process Is Faster

There are certain locations where processing times are noticeably faster. These USCIS offices boast the fastest average I-485 processing times:

  • Burlington: 10 months
  • Norfolk: 10,5 months
  • Providence: 11 months
  • Omaha: 11,7 months

How to understand this data

Processing time shows how long it took USCIS to complete 80% of applications for a particular immigration form. It is important to remember that there is another 20% and that every case is unique. While some green card applications may be processed quickly, others will take longer. Knowing these differences will help you set realistic expectations.

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