What skills are needed to succeed in the labor market of the future - ForumDaily
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What skills are needed to succeed in the job market of the future

If you think that good technical skills will ensure your future in the labor market, you are mistaken. Technologies are developing so quickly that skills that seemed super-advanced six months or a year ago are no longer needed by anyone today. But emotional intelligence, empathy, and the ability to get along with people will always be in demand, writes CNBC.

Photo: iStock.com/it:hirun

A seasoned recruiter with 25 years of experience, Terry Petzold knows how to stand out in the job market and get hired. He has extensive experience in recruiting and is currently the Managing Partner at Fox Search Group, an executive search firm for tech professionals.

Take, for example, the rapid progress in artificial intelligence.

“Just two and a half years ago, everyone was talking about hiring coders,” Petzold said. “I even suggested to my kids that they follow the path of crowd coding. But less than six months later, ChatGPT came along, and now coding is a thing of the past.”

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Of course, having modern digital skills is important for workers in all industries and career levels.

"Whether you're in marketing or working in a warehouse, you need to be tech-savvy," the recruiter noted.

But because companies can train employees on technology to serve their businesses, Petzold says executives are most interested in hiring people with a different skill set.

“I’ll tell you where the future is,” he said. “It’s not in technology. It’s in soft skills. Emotional intelligence is more important than technical skills.”

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to manage your feelings and the feelings of others. This skill can help you build relationships in the workplace.

Petzold believes that job candidates with excellent technical skills actually succeed when they can demonstrate a high EQ.

It's good to be a specialist in your area of ​​expertise, such as data, security, infrastructure or enterprise solutions, "but it is those with a strong EQ and flexible communication skills who are the future IT leaders," Petzold assured.

When hiring professionals with high EQ, companies expect the following skills from them:

  • Process information and provide constructive feedback.
  • Manage conflicts.
  • Help colleagues find common ground with each other.
  • Present ideas effectively to senior management.

“General EQ skills are really about recognizing and managing your own and others’ emotions, as well as the ability to overcome challenges and conflicts,” Petzold explained.

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According to the recruiter, some companies become successful when they help their top managers develop EQ skills, especially in dealing with conflict.

Good employers understand that in a rapidly evolving technology landscape, it is the human qualities of employees that come first. To get the job of the future, you need to be able to get along with people first.

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