Five States Where It's Best to Raise Children - ForumDaily
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Five States Where It's Best to Raise Kids

The decision to start a family is not an easy one. One of the main questions immediately arises: where is it better to settle down to create favorable conditions for raising children? If attempts to decide on a place leave you with more questions than answers, perhaps it is time to pay attention to the recommendations of experts, the publication writes Quartz.

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For example, a place with excellent schools may be underserved by affordable health care, and a community that offers exciting cultural events may be too expensive to live in.

The financial website WalletHub recently published a ranking of the best and worst states in the US for young families. It took into account several factors, including average annual family income, housing affordability, and the quality of schools.

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“In recent years, raising a family has become an expensive proposition due to the skyrocketing cost of living. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, raising a child to age 18 can cost a family more than $300,” said WalletHub analyst Chip Lupo. “Given the high cost of parenthood and the responsibility that comes with it, it’s important to live in a city that is affordable while still providing quality healthcare, education, safety, and opportunities for advancement.”

WalletHub compared 50 states across five categories: family fun, health and safety, education and child care, affordability, and socioeconomics. Scores for each category were based on 50 different indicators, which were used to create a weighted overall score. Data for the study came from sources including the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the National Center for Education Statistics.

Best statey for creating a family

Massachusetts ranked first in housing affordability and the Education and Childcare category.

Minnesota showed good results in the housing affordability and health and safety categories.

North Dakota came in first place thanks to its socio-economic indicators.

Nebraska received high marks for socio-economic indicators and the category "Education and child care".

New Hampshire performed well in the Health & Safety and Education & Childcare categories.

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The Worst States to Raise a Family

New Mexico came in last place in the Education and Child Care category.

Mississippi ranked last in the Health and Safety category.

West Virginia ended up in last place in the “Family Leisure” group.

Nevada ranked last in terms of housing affordability and socio-economic indicators.

Oklahoma received low scores in the categories of Health and Safety and Education and Child Care.

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