The Ten Safest States in America, Where the Economy Is Good and Crime Rates Are Low - ForumDaily
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The Ten Safest States in America, Where the Economy Is Doing Well and Crime Rates Are Low

For crime-weary New Yorkers, a better life may be just a short drive north on the highway. I-xnumx. New York Post writes that, according to a new study by Wallethub, six of the ten safest states in the US are in New England.

Photo: Linnaea Mallette |

Vermont, New York's neighboring state, took first place.

“When reading headlines about mass shootings, terrorist attacks, hate crimes, or natural disasters, many of us fear for our safety and the safety of our loved ones. Americans are also worried about their financial security as the government continues to fight inflation,” the study’s authors wrote.

After examining 52 different indicators in five key categories—personal and home safety, financial security, road safety, workplace safety, and emergency preparedness—the researchers found that Vermont ranked first among the safest states.

Neighboring New Hampshire came in second, with the rest of the New England states making the top 10.

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Per capita assault rates, climate disaster losses, and unemployment rates were just a few of the criteria considered. The overall perfect score was 100. Vermont scored nearly 68, showing that even the safest place in the U.S. is far from perfect.

Recent crimes in the maple syrup mecca include a woman attempting to smuggle turtles across the border into Canada, an alleged arson attack on Sen. Bernie Sanders' office, and a gruesome murder near the village of Pawlett. A New York man was later arrested for the latter crime.

However, the relatively quiet state has been praised for its high safety record, low assault rates, and seventh-lowest homicide and manslaughter rates.

Vermont particularly excelled in the financial sector, boasting one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country (2,1%) and high job growth. Other strengths included the lowest percentage of mortgages exceeding the value of the home and the second-fewest personal bankruptcies. Risks of data and identity theft were also low.

The state received high marks for its good roads and low accident rate, and Vermont also led the nation in having the fewest drivers who admitted to using their phones while driving.

“The safest states in America protect their residents in a variety of ways, from low crime rates and safe roads to a strong economy that helps avoid financial hardship,” said Wallethub analyst Chip Lupo.

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New York City fell in the middle, at No. 24. New Jersey overtook its neighbor in the safety rankings, taking No. 17.

The 10 Safest States in 2024:

  1. Vermont
  2. New Hampshire
  3. Maine
  4. Massachusetts
  5. Utah
  6. Hawaii
  7. Connecticut
  8. Minnesota
  9. Rhode Island
  10. Wyoming

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