Now You Can Live in a Costco: The Company Is Building a Complex of Cheap Apartments With a Rooftop Pool - ForumDaily
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Now You Can Live at Costco: The Company Is Building a Complex of Affordable Apartments With a Rooftop Pool

If your idea of ​​the American dream is living in a Costco, you might want to head west. A new 17-square-foot Costco with 200 apartments is about to open in South Los Angeles. And if you get tired of shopping, there's a rooftop pool, the outlet writes. Delish.

Photo: Kevinbrine |

Fast Company reports that the project broke ground on September 18 and was made possible in part by a new California law. AB 2011 speeds up the construction process by allowing commercial projects to bypass environmental protection laws if they provide affordable housing. The complex, which includes a Costco, will reportedly have 184 apartments for low-income tenants.

“Building in L.A. is really tough, and there’s political baggage around Big Box in particular,” said Matt Lewis, communications director for the nonprofit California YIMBY. By “political baggage,” Lewis means all the past and current political issues, controversies, and conflicts surrounding large development projects, especially Big Box developments. In L.A., such projects often face opposition due to concerns about urban development, transportation infrastructure, environmental impacts, local communities, and small businesses.

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Although construction has only just begun, criticism is already being heard. Joe Cohen (@CohenSite) called the project a "Costco prison" in a scathing tweet that went viral.

Joe Cohen is a Los Angeles housing and development activist. In the context of the new Costco in Baldwin Hills, he has spoken out about the challenges of large projects in the city, especially when it comes to combining large retail spaces with residential buildings. Cohen has criticized the project, comparing its design to a prison structure due to its long hallways and small apartments, but has also expressed support for the project as an important step toward solving the housing crisis in Los Angeles.


If you support the development, what would excite you most about living in Costco? Grilled chicken by the rooftop pool? A trip to the Costco bakery at sunrise? Bulk Mondays? Leave your answers in the comments!

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