What kind of accommodation can be rented in Miami for $ 1500: April's best deals

Every month we publish the best deals on the rental market in major cities in America. Today we propose to pay attention to 10 apartments in Miami that can be rented for $ 1500 per month, according to the real estate website Zillow. 1. One bedroom apartment ...

What kind of accommodation can be rented in Miami for $ 1500 per month

According to Payscale, the cost of living in Miami is 14,4% higher than the national average. At the same time, the average salary of a city resident is $52491, or $4374 per month. Of this, $1724, also on average, is spent on rent, Rentcafe reports. ...

Personal experience: how I survived hurricane Irma

Life in Miami Beach is always full of surprises (but only pleasant ones), and every good morning here starts with a little lark that wakes up at 7 am. But this morning was completely different. I woke up not from the stomp of his little feet, but from a text message ...

How much money you need for a comfortable life in Miami

Everyone has a different understanding of comfort, so I will write based on the minimum necessary conditions, and you can add black caviar and a maid from the Philippines yourself. Here is a calculation for two adults when renting a one-bedroom apartment - which, translated from Runglish,...

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