Zika virus: what you need to know

Cases of local transmission of Zika virus in Miami have been confirmed in Vinewood, but the health security problem in the area is much broader. Learn more about the virus that caused the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to issue its first travel restriction in ...

14 Zika virus infection detected in Miami

Due to newly identified cases of Zika virus infection in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning, especially for pregnant women and those who are just planning a pregnancy: they are advised to refrain ...

Pregnant women are advised not to go to Florida because of the Zeke virus

After the first cases of Zika transmission in the US mainland, pregnant women are advised to refrain from traveling to Florida due to the risk of contracting the Zika virus. This was reported by British health officials, reports The Guardian. Public Health England has updated travel guidelines ...

In the United States will begin clinical trials of vaccine against Zika virus

В ближайшие недели должны начаться испытания на людях экспериментальной вакцины против вируса Зика — после получения разрешения от органов здравоохранения США. 20 июня компания Inovio Pharmaceuticals сообщила, что она получила от Управления США по надзору за качеством продуктов и медикаментов (FDA)…

A child born of Zika virus was born in New Jersey

During a prenatal appointment on Friday, May 29, doctors performed an ultrasound examination, which showed that the baby had significant microcephaly, the most dangerous consequence of the Zika virus. Babies with microcephaly have small heads and underdeveloped brains. The baby was diagnosed with some other congenital diseases.…

The number of pregnant women with Zika virus in the USA tripled

Meanwhile, Brazilian scientists argue that the Zika virus is more dangerous to humans than previously thought. According to neurologist Renato Sa, the destructive effect of the virus on the nervous system can remain unnoticed for a long time. This applies to every fifth woman infected with the virus. According to ...

Zika virus: American scientists confirm connection with birth defects

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it found evidence that the Zika virus is the leading cause of birth defects reported in Brazil and several other countries. The director of the federal agency, which is a division of the US Department of Health, Thomas Frieden calls ...

Ukrainians head Zika virus research in the USA

Iryna Bird, a Ukrainian-born researcher, is leading the study of Zika virus transmission at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. This virus, which has infected the countries of Latin America, is one of the least researched at the moment, writes “Voice of America”. A child born with microcephaly has a disproportionate ...

WHO qualified Zika virus outbreak as an emergency

The World Health Organization (WHO) has established a dedicated unit to combat the spread of the Zika virus. Anthony Costello, WHO Director of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health, said the unit will include WHO leaders in Geneva and representatives of the organization from regional branches. Group…

Zika virus can infect up to four million people in America.

The World Health Organization is calling an emergency meeting on the spread of the Zika virus. During an emergency meeting, experts must assess the level of international threat and decide on the need to declare a global threat in connection with the spread of the virus. World Health Organization Director General Margaret ...

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