In which countries do the happiest people live in 2024? The USA is not in the top twenty

There is a huge diversity of cultures, traditions, and natural conditions in the world. But the pursuit of happiness is a universal tendency. We all crave joy, satisfaction and well-being. The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental part of being human. Let's explore the World...

Ten purchases that can make you happier

While money can't buy happiness, scientists say certain purchases can help lift your mood and increase your overall sense of satisfaction in life, writes New Trader U. Here are ten science-backed purchases that can be our "investment in happiness." 1. Impressions...

Where the happiest Americans live: ranking of US cities in terms of life satisfaction

While money can't always buy happiness, according to the latest data, moving to a new city can lead to a better quality of life. Which American cities have the happiest residents, according to CNBC. In 2023, California dominated the list of the happiest…

Scientists have found out how much money you need for happiness: the amount came out less than you think

Seventy-five thousand dollars a year is such an upper limit of income, the increase of which will not affect your happiness and well-being in any way. It is on this figure that the authors of a number of preliminary studies of the dependence of human happiness on money converge, reports the BBC. However, as…

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