Unusual Ways to Learn Any Language: Polyglot Tips

Translator and writer Kato Lomb knew 16 languages, she learned almost everything on her own and constantly got acquainted with new ones - for example, she took up Hebrew at the age of 80. At the same time, she was sure that people should not be divided into those for whom new languages ​​are easier to learn, and those for whom it is not available. "Theories and Practices" published ...

How I learned English with free apps

My name is Emilia, I am the editor of vc.ru. In this article, I want to talk about a personal experience of learning English without significant investment. My level is Upper-Intermediate. I write freely, understand others, speak and read. The latter is more difficult than the rest, but it's a matter of time ...

5 ways to get rid of accent in English

English teachers all over the world never tire of arguing that there is no need to be ashamed of your accent. We at Bright Side absolutely agree with this. But this does not mean that you cannot improve yourself or try new things. If you've always wanted to talk ...

10 common mistakes in learning English and how to avoid them: the experience of successful Ukrainians

Knowledge of English is no longer a bonus, but a mandatory requirement for running a business and simply getting a successful job. Language is needed everywhere, from market research to negotiations with foreign partners, not to mention living and working in an English-speaking country. Few, graduating...

Four tricks to help you speak better English

The first two years after moving to the United States, I experienced a huge cultural and language shock. She went through all the stages, from the fear of answering a phone call or ordering in a restaurant, to studying in a variety of language schools, then college, and finally ...

Unusual ways to learn English

If you are learning or planning to learn English soon, britishskylines.com invites you to try alternative methods that will make learning a foreign language more interesting and effective. 1. Sound Associations In the 70s of the last century, Ron Atkinson, a professor at Stanford University, suggested that students ...

Getting ready for an interview in English: teacher advice

Among the things and events associated with moving to the USA, there are those that remain in the memory for many years: the first day in a new country, the first home, the first car, and, of course, the first interview. Passing an interview in English is a task of increased difficulty, because...

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