95% US Baby Food Contains Toxic Substances: How to Protect Your Baby

A new study by experts has shown that 95% of baby food in the US contains toxic metals. Only 9 of 168 baby food samples tested were free of arsenic, lead, cadmium, or mercury. Authors of a study commissioned by Healthy Babies Bright Futures (HBBF) checked 168 ...

What are nerve substances and why are they dangerous?

Bombs filled with chemical weapons do not have a selective effect and can hit both military personnel and civilians in hundreds and thousands. When individuals are targeted, the killers may use nerve agents such as sarin, VX or Novichok, a Russian-made nerve agent ...

Do not touch: Florida residents are warned about dangerous trees

В США есть огромное количество деревьев, связанных с историей страны и каждого региона, и многие из них действительно стоит увидеть. Но есть в Америке деревья, от которых лучше держаться подальше. Они растут во Флориде и известны как «токсичное дерево манчинель».…

Illinois “attack” toxic plants

Illinois officials have warned residents about the dangers of poisonous plants growing in the region that, when in contact with skin, cause painful blisters and a rash similar to burns. The main areas of distribution of this plant - wild parsnip - are the states of Iowa and Illinois,...

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