New York Times journalist convicted in Russia for 'false information' about war in Ukraine

American journalist and writer Masha Gessen was convicted in absentia on July 15 by a Moscow court on charges of “disseminating false information about Russian aggression in Ukraine” and sentenced to eight years in prison. Born in Moscow and living in the USA, an employee of The...

Netanyahu accuses UN of supporting terror

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of encouraging terrorism after his explanations about the sentiments of the Palestinians: speaking to members of the UN Security Council, he spoke about the “oppression of the Israeli occupation” and the “naturalness” of resistance to this process. According to the UN Secretary General...

Obama said there is no terrorist threat on holidays

In his address to Americans today, Barack Obama assured citizens that American intelligence has “no specific or reliable information” about possible attacks on the United States. He assured that everyone can feel safe. “If their target is Americans, then they won’t be able to hide even in hell. We'll find…

10 Israelis killed in three weeks of terror, 121 man injured

From October 1 to October 22, that is, in three weeks of a new wave of terror in Israel, 10 people died as a result of terrorist attacks. In addition, according to the Second ITV Channel, with reference to the MADA emergency medical aid, 12 people were seriously injured, ...

What happens in Israel: a short explanation

In Israel, street attacks on Jews have been taking place for several weeks, resulting in eight deaths. Local media are increasingly talking about a new intifada, and the government is strengthening security measures in the country and expanding police rights. We briefly tell you what is happening in Israel now. The aggravation of the situation in Israel began in the Jewish New ...

Two rockets from Gaza did not reach Israel, the clashes continued

Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip on the evening of October 9 did not reach Israeli soil, falling on the territory of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli security service expressed concern that terrorists in Gaza will join the intifada and start firing rockets at Israel. Earlier in the Hamas movement ...

The United States excluded Cuba from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism

The US authorities have officially removed Cuba from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, Reuters reported, citing the US Department of State. The report notes that this decision removes the last obstacle to the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries, severed 54 years ago. About intention ...

Missing Boeing 777: Disturbing Disappearing Versions

As alarming as it is, the story of the Boeing 777-200ER, Flight 370, may turn out to be much more alarming than we think, but everything is in order. Having departed on March 8 at 00:41 at the appointed course, after half an hour the connection with the liner disappeared, judging by ...

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