How to prove that you have American citizenship: supporting documents and how to get them

You will have to prove your US citizenship if you are detained, or if you want to get a US passport - and in many other cases. What documents are needed to prove citizenship, according to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. If you were born in the USA, then...

Why is a birth certificate a very important document, especially for immigrants

A birth certificate is a key document in any immigration process in any country. The absence of this document creates sometimes insurmountable difficulties. Moreover, different countries practice different requirements for a birth certificate: some want to see the original birth certificate, or even ...

Third gender appeared on birth certificates in New York

New York-born Americans who do not identify their gender as either male or female can now choose the third gender category on their birth certificates. Now people who were born in New York and do not consider themselves to be men or women can choose the third gender, ...

Third floor will appear on birth certificates in New York

New York-born Americans who do not identify their gender as either male or female will be able to choose the third gender category on their birth certificate. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and the speaker proposed to make such a change to the legislation ...

Washington introduces third floor in documents

Washington state will allow residents to change their gender on their birth certificates to "X." "Social norms are changing," state registrar and director of the Center for Health Statistics Kristy Space told ABC News. — When a person’s gender designation on a birth certificate does not match...

Texas to simplify birth certificate for immigrant children

Last year, a group of Central American and Mexican immigrant parents filed a lawsuit in federal court in Texas, alleging that the state refused to issue birth certificates for children in the United States and denied access to life-saving services. As a result, state officials ...

The authorities in New York refuse to recognize the biological parents of a “surrogate” child

A Manhattan couple has been defending in court for six months the right to be listed as parents in the birth certificate of their biological child, carried by a surrogate mother. At this point, Stephen and Angelina Cates have filed a second lawsuit against the New York City Department of Health, which ...

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