'My family will be a target': Russian immigrants fear Putin even in the US

Russian Americans who oppose the war in Ukraine are afraid to express their opinions publicly or even privately to family members at home, NewYorkPost reports. “I live in fear of endangering my family in Russia,” said a Russian émigré engineer who does not support...

20 facts about planes that will help get rid of the fear of flying

Not everyone admits it, but many people are afraid to fly. According to various statistical data, 85% of passengers on the plane experience anxiety of varying severity, and 10% can be called aerophobes. AdMe.ru writes about this. One of the reasons for this phobia, psychologists call the habit of controlling everything and not trusting the world around. In conditions…

Jihadists use amphetamine to dull fear

Islamic State militants can be fueled not only by ideology, but also by amphetamine, which is very popular on the black market in the Middle East. Karim, a 19-year-old militant, has fought for the Islamic State for about a year. “They gave us drugs, hallucinogenic pills, so that we would not go into battle ...

Scientists have figured out where a person has fear

Millions of adults suffer from anxiety disorders, and constant worry affects their daily lives. Scientists have now identified the area of ​​the brain that controls fear, offering hope for treating such disorders. American researchers from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York have described a “chain” that...

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