Word of the week: 10 non-obvious meanings of the phrasal verb break

The list of English phrasal verbs contains the verb break. This verb, being irregular (break-broke-broken), is one of the most common verbs in use in the English language, writes Engblog. In addition to its main meanings "to break, part, break", as a phrasal verb, this verb also has ...

Important tax terms to know in 2024

The proverb says: the only inevitable things in life are death and taxes. This saying dates back to 1716, and the word “tax” itself has a long history and means “a sum of money required by the government.” The word comes from the Latin taxare: “blame, charge” and dates back to around the XNUMXth century. WITH…

Word of the week: 29 commonly used phrasal verb meanings come

The verb come is often used as part of numerous phrasal verbs in the English language. The main meaning of the verb come is “to come”, “to go”, reminiscent of catchenglish.ru. Here are English phrasal verbs with come. Each phrasal verb has a translation, transcription, and sentences with examples of use. Come About...

Word of the week: 20 commonly used phrasal verb values

You won't surprise anyone with polysemy in English, but only the verbs of the get group can be compared with the take phrasal combinations. Speakenglishwell.ru offers to master at least 20 different combinations and their meanings, as well as simple and understandable examples of the use of phrasal ...

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