In Florida, the ambulance refused to save the young mother, deciding that she could not pay for it.

Четверо парамедиков из Тампы, Флорида, отстранены от своих служебных обязанностей до окончания следствия — после того, как они отказались везти в больницу недавно родившую женщину с инсультом. Медики решили, что она не может позволить себе этот вызов, неправильно трактуя слова…

I can not afford it: a woman stuck between the train and the platform, asked not to call an ambulance. VIDEO

Despite having her leg stuck between a train and a subway platform in Boston, she begged passersby not to call an ambulance. “Do you know how much an ambulance costs?” the woman asked in tears. Subway workers rushed to save a woman after...

Trump's son saved a stranger in New York and he almost got hurt

A typical New York morning for President Trump's son Eric Trump suddenly turned frantic as he rushed to the aid of an unconscious woman. According to an eyewitness account, Trump and his guards rushed to the aid of a woman who suddenly passed out outside Station F ...

Traveling 3 km in an ambulance cost the patient $ 2 700

About 3 km, which American Rick Santoro drove in an ambulance from his orthopedic surgeon to the hospital, resulted in a bill of $ 2. And although health insurance covered most of the amount, Santoro was surprised by the bill for the short trip ...

In Israel, an ambulance driver robbed a deceased woman

In Israel, police arrested a forty-five-year-old ambulance driver who robbed a dead woman. A lonely woman died in her apartment, the body was discovered by a police squad from the Givatayim department. They called an ambulance to confirm death. One of the police officers noticed how the ambulance driver...

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