'Blue whale' is back: 10-year-old boy jumps out of 6th-floor window in Ukraine after playing deadly game

“Mom, the Blue Whale is back,” her 10-year-old son Nikita addressed Olga Tkachenko in August. Then he was with his grandparents in the Kharkov region in Ukraine, while his parents - mother and stepfather - arranged for him...

The game "Blue Whale" is blamed for the second child suicide in the United States

A 16-year-old girl of Bulgarian descent died in Atlanta, Georgia as a result of a Blue Whale game, CBS North Carolina reported. The girl’s brother discovered her drawings with whales and inscriptions in Russian, referring to the game “Blue Whale”. While the suicide investigation is ongoing...

California warns parents about 'Blue Whale' suicide game

Reports of a new "game" among schoolchildren, called the Blue Whale, prompted California police to warn parents of the potential risks of self-harm and suicide. Previously, warnings were issued by Miami police departments. Originally from Russia, Blue Whale is an online game in which young people must ...

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