Selfie and Maidan are the most popular queries

The words selfie and Maidan became the most popular queries in the Russian search engine Yandex in 2014, displacing the word love, which was the most searched word by users in previous years, from the first place. “From 2010 to 2013, people searched for approximately the same and...

In the museums of New York is not a place for tripods for selfie?

Tripods, monopods, or simply selfie sticks, as some sources call them, are a relatively new trend, but tourists with smartphones attached to these devices have already become a common sight on the streets of New York. They strive to take the perfect selfie on...

Eiffel Tower recognized the world's best background for selfies

  The Eiffel Tower has been named the best backdrop for selfies in the world, according to The Daily Mail. The corresponding rating was prepared by experts from the AttractionTix portal dedicated to tourist attractions. The top list was compiled by studying statistics in social networks on selfies taken by tourists. Experts have found that from the beginning ...

Airplane pilot paid with his life for his love of selfies

  A small plane crashed near a Colorado airport, killing the pilot and one passenger. This happened in 2014, but only now the authorities have announced the probable circumstances of the crash: the pilot was taking a “selfie” in the air and writing text messages on his phone -...

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