Russian New Year is a mixture of Christmas, Fourth of July and Thanksgiving Day: Americans about us

Even far from Russia, it is impossible to celebrate the New Year without a grand bowl of Olivier salad, which in Russia is a modern national dish. It is believed that such hearty dishes as salad, salmon and bacon, as well as traditional black bread, protect the stomach from alcoholic ...

What a betrayal is for the Russian is a concern for the American: an instructive story of the clash of mentalities

What is concern for an American is betrayal for a Russian. The consequences of this concern are devastating. Therefore, it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, writes the author of the channel Masha Amerishka on Yandex.Zen. Next - from the first person. Our friends, emigrants...

Personal experience of an immigrant: why Americans are easily deceived

Americans can be as gullible as children. And this is quite understandable, because in their society it is simply not customary to lie about small things, says the author of the Made in USA channel on Yandex.Zen. Next - from the first person. Many Russians, for several years now...

Why in the USA they put out unnecessary things and what can be found among them: the experience of an immigrant

In America there is such a tradition: once a year, take all unnecessary things out of the house directly onto the street and display them next to your house, writes the author of the ANTIQUE channel on Yandex.Zen. Absolutely anyone can take these things, in most cases, everyone...

Eight things our immigrants always bring to America from Russia

Is everything in the USA? Or is it not all? I have long wanted to debunk this myth. I will say this - in the USA there is a lot of everything, but not everything that I need. I still buy some things in Russia. IN…

Why Russians don't smile at strangers

In the United States, as in many other countries, smiling is a common, habitual, even reflexive gesture of goodwill. An emigrant from Russia, professor of psychology at the University of Washington, Masha Gartstein, explains: in Russia, a random smile addressed to strangers on...

Three US cities where our people move if they don’t want to learn English

Is it possible to move to the USA, live there for 30 years and not learn English? Of course, it is possible if there are Russian cafes, restaurants, shops, Russian-speaking neighbors, sellers, doctors, etc. around, writes the author of the “Blog about the USA” column on Yandex.Zen. Next - from the first...

Strange laws on alcohol in the United States, which surprised the Russian-speaking immigrant

Author of the channel “Americano | Americano" on Yandex.Zen spoke about American laws regarding alcohol, which surprised him after moving to the United States. Next - from the first person. After moving to the USA, I was constantly surprised by local laws, customs and traditions, but this...

Who to subscribe to if you want to know everything about moving, life and success in America

Not only those who are just thinking about moving to the USA, but also those who have recently moved to America will be interested in learning more about this country from the lips of those who already have experience of immigration, work and achieving success in the United States. ForumDaily…

What do immigrants save on in the first year of life in the USA: personal experience

On her channel “Queen in the USA” on Yandex.Zen, a Russian-speaking immigrant talked about how she had to save during the first year after moving to the United States. Next - from the first person. The first year is the most difficult. The hardest thing was morally:...

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