Referendum in Catalonia: eyewitness accounts

On October 1, the Spanish Autonomous Community of Catalonia is holding a referendum on independence not authorized by the Spanish authorities, which was marked by clashes between supporters of Catalonia's secession with the police, as a result of which 337 people were injured. According to eyewitnesses, the police acted very harshly, collected the stories of the protesters ...

Puerto Rico referendum: the country decided to become the 51-m American state

In a referendum, residents of Puerto Rico approved an appeal to the US Congress with a request to annex the island to America and make it the 51st American state. Puerto Rico is now a state freely associated with the United States. Moreover, the island is actually controlled by the United States. Referendum turnout ...

Puerto Rico is holding a referendum on joining the United States as the state's 51

On June 11, Puerto Rico is holding a referendum on the future legal status of this Caribbean island. In a referendum, citizens must choose from three options: maintaining the current status of Puerto Rico, changing the status to the fifty-first state of the United States, or full independence in association with the United States, reports ...

Calexit supporters began collecting signatures for changing the California Constitution

Supporters of California's secession from the United States received permission from the state authorities to collect signatures for a referendum to amend the region's constitution. The collection of signatures could start from January 26, within 180 days activists need to collect 585 signatures of registered voters ...

California Referendum Issues Condom Use in Porn Movies

A total of 8 questions have been submitted to a local referendum in California on November 17. Each of them may be of interest to various segments of the population, because we are talking, among other things, about stricter control over weapons, minimum wages, prescription drugs and even ...

Four reasons why Americans should worry about the UK leaving the EU

A referendum on membership in the European Union was held in the UK on June 23: about 52% of the participants in the plebiscite were in favor of leaving the EU. USA Today published four reasons why Americans should be concerned about this. 1. The weakening of America's largest trading partner, the European Union ...

Referendum in Tajikistan: Rakhmon - Eternal President

During the referendum held on Sunday, the majority of Tajik residents supported amendments to the country's constitution, the republic's Central Election Commission said. Amendments to the main law allow the incumbent President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, to be re-elected for a new term without restrictions, and also reduce from 35 to ...

How Americans can independently vote on various issues

Earlier this year, participants in a traveling flash mob, dressed in party hats and dancing to Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 song, walked to fast foods, gas stations and shops in Augusta, Maine, to inform their employees about the possibility of a promotion. hourly rate. ...

South Ossetia plans to hold a referendum on joining Russia

In self-proclaimed South Ossetia, a referendum on joining Russia may take place before August, said the head of the republic, Leonid Tibilov. “This will happen in the near future, we plan until August,” he said. According to Tibilov, the question of changing the constitution will be put to a referendum...

The Netherlands is preparing a referendum on the association of Ukraine with the EU

In the Netherlands, the activist group “Committee of European Union Citizens” calls on residents to put to a referendum the question of ratifying the association agreement between Ukraine and the EU. According to a recent law in the Netherlands, citizens can demand a consultative referendum on recently passed laws or agreements. To…

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