The Real ID is part of legislation that grew out of recommendations from the 11/2005 Commission and became law back in XNUMX. The law prohibits federal agencies from accepting, under certain conditions, regular driver's licenses and state identification cards that do not meet minimum standards, explains...
Beginning October 1, 2020, you may need an ID card or Real ID driver's license to board domestic flights and enter closed government facilities in the United States. It turned out that many applicants for a new ID were faced with a serious problem - passports that...
A year later, starting from October 1, 2020, you will need a Real ID to pass through the checkpoints at American airports. It is advisable to get it during this time, without putting it off for the last weeks. But it is not necessary for everyone to issue a certificate and ...
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is launching a new Real ID public awareness campaign. All due to the fact that travelers will not be able to board a flight without a valid or alternative ID starting October 1, 2020. “We want people to make sure ...
Even if you have already obtained a California Real ID driver's license, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) may contact you again to get more proof that you do live at the address you provided. Writes about this NBC News. Department of Homeland Security ...
From April 1, all Illinois residents will be able to obtain a new driver's license and ID. The authorities are introducing Real ID to improve the security of identity cards, writes the Chicago Tribune. From April, it will be possible to obtain a Real ID at all 138 driver service points ...
Many Californians still do not understand the rules regarding obtaining a REAL ID during the shutdown period. But the California Department of Motor Vehicles said on January 9 that it would guarantee the renewal of the ID. Despite the fact that on the website of the Department of Homeland Security so far ...
More than 2 million Californians who have received Real IDs face potential disaster. The Department of Homeland Security has notified the DMV that its process for providing residents with federally recognized IDs is not meeting all standards. Those who received the ID must now ...