Modern Slavery: Scientologists Exploited Immigrants in the US for Decades

How the Church of Scientology Abuses Religious Visas to Lure Thousands of People into Hard Labor, Documented Reports. England, 1994 Tina was 14 years old. Her parents lived in Scientology complexes in the United States, and church officials wanted…

During the search for the child, the police discovered a hangout with starving children.

Police in the US state of New Mexico led a raid that rescued 11 malnourished children and three women who were being held captive by heavily armed men at a camp in a remote desert area. Children - aged from one year to...

Washington resident has captured a family of neighbors to make them slaves

In Washington, a mother and three children were captured by a neighbor who forced them to be his "slaves." A 12-year-old boy did not come to school in the morning, although he left the house. His mother started looking for the child and found her 29-year-old neighbor in the yard ...

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