Fresh jobs in the USA for Russian speakers

We have collected for you the freshest and most relevant vacancies, where knowledge of the Russian language is an advantage. Follow the link under the vacancy you are interested in and send your resume with a cover letter or call right away for a quick result. Translator City: New York, NY Company: Healthfirst ...

The most unexpected profession in the United States with salaries over $ 100 thousand

Every year, Forbes studies data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a division of the US Department of Labor, in order to select the most unexpected professions, whose representatives earn more than $ 100 a year. It should be noted that the first point of the rating presents the average salary for ...

How to spend the summer in the US under the program Work and travel

More than 100 students come to America every summer. Here they have the legal opportunity to work for four months and travel not only across the United States, but even visit neighboring Canada without an additional visa. Work and travel program exists ...

From the first person: Russian about how to survive in Silicon Valley

The site published the story of Maxim Matuzov, who moved to San Francisco 6 years ago. The author talked about his experience at Google and Apple and gave advice to those who want to work in Silicon Valley. About moving My move to the States happened in 2009, ...

Top 10 best US cities to work right now

Technology gurus are traditionally considered the best places to work in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Seattle. However, according to Glassdoor, several other cities are also highly rated. For example, another city from California, San Jose, took the first place in the ranking ...

How to build an effective business in the United States with remote employees

Every time a businessman who plans to organize his own business in the USA or expand an existing business is faced with the question of finding suitable employees. It is not always possible to recruit a large staff at once, in which all the links will work like a well-coordinated mechanism. Besides…

The University of Pennsylvania offers free online English courses.

When applying for a job in the United States, fluency in a foreign language is most often required. The U.S. Department of State and the University of Pennsylvania offer free online courses (known as MOOCs) to help those who may not be able to speak English communicate in a wide range of areas...

Without leaving home: the best professions for remote work

Recently, more and more American companies are offering jobs that do not require being in the office. First of all, such vacancies are in demand among parents who can raise their children and earn money from the comfort of their homes, writes The most popular sites, ...

Earn up to $ 47 thousand in the US can legitimize overtime pay

The millions of people who overwork may soon be able to earn more or get more free time. By mid-May, the US Department of Labor plans to formally expand the number of workers who can be eligible for overtime payments. The changes are aimed at helping workers with the lowest wages ...

As a native of Belarus, she studied at Harvard and worked at HBO

  The online edition tells about the history of a native of Belarus Daria Zhuk. She has been living in the USA for over 15 years. The girl began her professional career as a financier in a bank on Wall Street, then worked for the famous HBO channel, where she participated in the film "Sex and the City". After 6 years of work ...

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