How long can a bird fly without landing: the answer will definitely amaze you

Almost an entire day on a plane to Australia may seem like a long flight, but it has nothing to do with what the common swift is capable of, reports IFLScience. Many of us become quite restless and feel discomfort after just a few hours of flight.…

Immaculate Conception: Birds in California give birth to chicks without the participation of males

American wildlife researchers have discovered that two California condors (an endangered bird) were born without any male genetic DNA. The BBC reported in more detail. The discovery that condors are capable of virgin birth (formally called parthenogenesis or asexual reproduction) surprised ...

Hundreds of birds die from a mysterious disease in several states of America: scientists cannot find the cause

Hundreds of birds from Indiana to Virginia are dying from a mysterious disease. Scientists are confused and ask the public for help. Writes about this NY Daily News. Residents of Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia have been asked to warn the locals ...

Over 800 birds have invaded the family home in Southern California and left behind a 'surprise'

A family in California found 800 birds in their home. How they got there and what they did to them, USA Today reported. A family from Torrance, California returned home after dinner on April 21st to find migratory birds invading their ...

Falling straight out of the sky: Birds die en masse in the southwestern United States

Thousands of migratory birds “fall from the sky” in several states in the southwestern United States. Scientists call it the largest mass extinction in recent history. Insider writes about this. According to Dr. Martha Desmond, professor of biology at New Mexico State University (NMSU), the swallow and flycatcher ...

In North Carolina, hundreds of birds died crashing into museum windows

In the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, there was a terrible incident: hundreds of birds crashed into the NASCAR Hall of Fame within an hour. In total, according to the estimates of the local bird rescue service, about 310 birds were affected. Most of the birds died, about a hundred need treatment for fractures, and ...

'Smells like a thousand corpses': the family bought a house for $ 700 thousands, but it was captured by vultures. VIDEO

A young New York couple with a two-year-old child bought a $ 700 vacation home in the luxurious Ibis community in West Palm Beach, Florida. They could not even imagine that hundreds of hideous and dangerous vultures were occupying the home. What attracts them to ...

'Creates noise pollution': Rooster sued for crowing

A rooster named Maurice, whose morning crowing bothered his neighbors, found himself at the center of a real legal battle. The plaintiffs claim that the rooster's crowing causes "noise pollution" that affects a couple of pensioners from a holiday home on the picturesque French island of Oleron, writes the BBC. Owner...

The American city was flooded with drunken birds. VIDEO

The police asked residents to just let the birds sober up. Residents of the city of Gilbert, Minnesota, complained about the strange behavior of birds: they began to crash into windows, cars and trees, stagger while walking and generally behave "embarrassed". The local police attributed this to intoxication. ...

In Georgia, chickens hatched from dumped eggs. VIDEO

The chickens hatched from eggs that were thrown into a landfill by a poultry farm in the Georgian city of Marneuli, writes RBC. “As far as I know, the factory believed that the eggs were spoiled,” said Marneuli Mayor Temur Abazov. He noted that it is always warm at the landfill - and...

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