Professions that could disappear due to COVID-19: an unexpected list

Кризис коронавируса перевернул рынок труда как ни одна другая рецессия в США — он уничтожил 22,2 миллиона рабочих мест ранней весной, когда был введен карантин. Издание USA Today рассказало, какие профессии могут вовсе исчезнуть с рынка труда.  «COVID-19 изменит то,…

Salary over $ 100 thousand and almost no competition: 13 popular professions in the USA

Since the start of the pandemic in early March, millions of Americans have been out of work due to budget cuts, office closures and changes in industry demand. While the retail, travel and restaurant industries have been hit hard by Covid-19, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show ...

Salary up to $ 136 per year: 000 professions that will be claimed after quarantine

Experts agree that the economy in the post-coronavirus era will look very different. As a result, the most demanded types of activity can also change. Grow has identified 8 professions that will be relevant after the coronavirus pandemic. As the decrees about ...

Designer and Analyst: 7 quarantined professions

What kind of job to choose so as not to be afraid of quarantine, epidemics or other cataclysms? The Lifehacker edition found the answer to this question and created a list of 7 professions that will always be in demand. What is happening in the labor market The labor market around the world over the past ...

20 professions with the highest risk of coronavirus infection

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends social distancing as the most effective way to protect yourself from contracting the coronavirus, but for some workers this is not possible. Many professionals require personal contact to carry out their job duties, which puts these people at high risk ...

Professions most at risk for coronavirus infection

As the coronavirus continues to spread across the United States, people who work in direct contact with large numbers of other people are at greatest risk of becoming ill, The New York Times writes. Healthcare workers are at greatest risk - they may face illness every day...

The 15 Most Wanted Professions of 2020: LinkedIn Forecast

LinkedIn, a social network for finding business contacts, has compiled a rating of 15 professions that will be the most in demand and promising in 2020. Most of the list was occupied by specialties related to information technology and development, writes Inc.Russia. 1. Artificial Intelligence Specialist Description ...

15 amazing professions you didn't know about

If you are looking to change careers or are just starting out, you can consider traditional blue-collar jobs. For example, a teacher, police officer, or lawyer. However, there are many professions that you did not know about, but could apply for them - depending on skills or areas ...

12 professions not affected by the economic crisis

Millions of people work at their jobs, make plans for the future and do not even suspect how the state of the economy affects their profession. At any time, staff reduction or even company closure may occur. But there are several professions for which there will always be ...

20 professions with the fastest growing salaries

It happens that a person takes a position where it is unlikely to advance up the career ladder and, accordingly, to increase wages. Although sometimes you just want to change jobs or activities. Either way, it is a smart move to find a position that has promising prospects. GOBankingRates used data from ...

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