10 things you quickly get used to in the US

I have been living in the States for a long time. Upon arrival, many things seemed unusual to me, not like ours. However, very soon I got used to it, and without some things I can't imagine my life at all. It seems that it has been like this all my life ...

11 oddities that are specific to New Yorkers.

New Yorkers are very easy to distinguish once they are out of state or country. They feature unique traits that could only be acquired here at Empire State. Here are a few of the main oddities unique to New Yorkers: Most of our residents argue ...

Russian woman told about houses in the United States, after moving to New York

Life in America and Russia is very different, so many Russians, having moved to the States, talk about the differences between our countries. And literally everything is different - the way of life, mentality and habits, including the homes of Americans and ...

18 quirks in American culture that Americans themselves do not even notice

In any culture there are phenomena that to representatives of other nationalities seem at least strange, illogical and bizarre. Big Picture provides several examples of American habits and traditions, to which foreigners react with great surprise. Restaurants always serve water from ...

8 habits of Americans who are not in Russia

The famous Russian sound engineer Artem Nuzhin ("The Last Hero", "Vacations in Mexico", "Star Factory"), who worked on the largest TV projects in Russia and opened his production in the USA, talks about the life of a Russian family in America and the difference in mentality. Smile, this annoys everyone. The theme of an insincere American smile ...

Personal experience: that never ceases to amaze our immigrants, even after years of life in the United States

Just over 4 years ago, Karina and her husband moved from Russia to Seattle. Upon arrival, it became clear that the United States is a completely different world, with its pluses and minuses. Especially for Bright Side, she told about 12 things that she hasn't gotten used to in over 4 years of her life in the USA. 12. To ...

12 strange habits of New Yorkers

Life in a big city leaves an imprint on the city's inhabitants. Thus, the inhabitants of New York have ingrained strange habits, without which they can no longer be imagined. Only in your state has collected some of them. 1. Eat plates with trash Plates with trash are not in ...

Bad habits of people who grew up in poverty

Growing up in a low-income family? Did you finish things for your older brothers and sisters? Never asked for a new toy because you knew your parents had no money? If so, then perhaps you, without realizing it, have acquired habits that prevent you from improving your well-being. ...

Las Vegas Archery Strange Habits

Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was involved in a 2013 lawsuit against the Cosmopolitan Hotel in which he slipped and fell in 2011. During the consideration of the case, he gave testimony, in which he spoke about his habits and lifestyle, ...

Ukrainian habits that harm friendship and career in the US

Typically, Ukrainians who immigrate to the US do not have too much difficulty adapting. Hardworking and observant, we find both work and friends. We know how to organize into large and active diaspora communities. But very often the “mental cockroaches” brought with them are work habits and...

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