6 Reckless Financial Habits of Americans That Surprise Immigrants

What surprises our people about the financial habits of Americans, said the author of the blog “Normal Money” on Yandex.Zen. Next - from the first person. “Rule one: never lose money. Rule two: never forget rule one,” these are the words of Warren Buffett - perhaps...

'Bad' habits that will help you get along with Americans

America is not without reason considered an ideal country for doing business. However, some of the business habits of Americans may shock immigrants from the post-Soviet space. In the same way that most Americans find the Russian manner of communication too straightforward and sometimes rude, the peculiarities of the American ...

What habits give you a person from the USSR

The Soviet Union collapsed long ago, but people still have habits that unmistakably identify them as being from the “Country of Soviets.” Blogger Maxim Mirovich in Livejournal described in detail habits that are no longer related to the realities of modern life, but continue to be...

Harmless habits that contribute to the development of cancer, even if you lead a healthy lifestyle

At first glance, completely harmless habits, such as sitting for a long time, burning scented candles, unwillingness to take care of the oral cavity and adhere to a healthy diet, can directly or indirectly affect the occurrence of cancer. What habits are favorable for the development of cancer, Novoye Vremya told ...

Five habits that will make you more organized

Organization is not an innate quality of a person; it can be nurtured and developed. Here are some tips to help you get organized. 1. Find a place where you feel natural Any place that is not being used for its intended purpose is perfect for solving problems.…

Seven 'healthy' habits that are actually bad for your health

If you want to live a long and happy life, taking care of your health is very important. The problem is, sometimes it's hard to know what's good for you and what's not, reports BestLife. Research results often contradict each other, and different doctors…

Five habits that are slowly and imperceptibly reducing life expectancy

Generally, healthy lifestyle choices such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a good sleep schedule are sufficient to protect health and longevity. The health hazards of smoking, excessive drinking, and a high-fat diet are now public knowledge thanks to high-profile…

Six bad habits that Americans have infected the whole world

Americans have become famous all over the world for some bad habits, the harmfulness of which, for the most part, they themselves admit. For example, they eat too much fast food and watch TV all the time. They managed to infect almost the whole world with some of these habits. Delfi Edition ...

These strange Russians: what the Americans are discussing behind our backs

Yes, we know that Americans consider Russian-speaking immigrants unsmiling. But there are more mind-boggling things in our culture that surprise Americans. We do not shake hands across the threshold, we believe that we need to "sit on the path", more often than others we go out into the street in heels. ...

Northern California habits that are not shared by other states

There are a few things Northern California residents do and the rest of the country just doesn't get it, but that doesn't mean Californians will change their habits. Writes about this Only In Your State. 1. Save water Even if there has been a recent drought, ...

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