Smartphone addiction: which apps do we spend almost a third of our lives on

Analyst firm App Annie said people spend an average of 4,8 hours a day on mobile phones, according to the BBC. In 2021, users downloaded mobile applications 230 billion times and spent $ 170 billion on them, it follows from the App report ...

Stealthily steals money from your bank account: Android users have been warned about a dangerous virus

It became known that the Joker virus, which attacks Android devices and hides in various applications on Google Play, is back. This malicious program is capable of signing a user for payment services without his authorization and emptying bank accounts without his knowledge. About…

A will in the USA is very important: how to make it quickly and inexpensively

To avoid going to the office of a lawyer who has to pay a high hourly rate, you can use online programs - they will help you to write a will, and you will not have to leave your home, and you will also get the service at a reasonable cost, USNews recommends. Finding the right software ...

Over 2 million downloads: these 25 Android apps can steal your data

25 Android apps have been infected with malware and can steal user data when logging into Facebook. Writes about this BGR. Evina, a French cybersecurity company, reported that a group of hackers had developed a suite of apps that were built to look like apps from ...

16 free apps for travelers who don't need internet access

Are you going on a trip? Don’t forget to download useful travel apps that work without Internet access, reminds Lifehacker. Internet access can be a problem while traveling. But this doesn’t mean you need to take a million paper maps with you or...

15 applications that will help in learning English

Learning English is a rather laborious process and many cannot find a free minute to visit a tutor or even sit and study on their own. In such situations, mobile applications save, they can be used on the road, walking the dog, or cleaning the house. Edition…

American fitness startup owes users $ 1 million for training

A US court ordered the startup Pact, which paid users for gym attendance and diet, to pay customers $ 948. The company went bankrupt and stopped paying users the promised reward. The creators of Pact in 788 developed a motivation system in which users ...

Hurricane Irma: 11 applications to help during the elements

We've put together a list of apps to help you when Hurricane Irma hits the coast of South Florida. Hurricane App by Red Cross: This free app is available for iPhone and Android owners. Here you will find the latest information from the National Oceanic ...

Five applications for illegal immigrants

Attempts by the administration of President Donald Trump to get rid of illegal immigrants have plunged into fear millions of people who are now unsure of their future in the United States. They were helped by programmers who create programs and applications to help illegal immigrants. CNN has compiled a list of ...

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