Benefit or harm: do films with subtitles help when learning a language?

We all know about the most popular ways to learn a language. And one of them is to watch movies or TV series with subtitles. But does this method really work? The Conversation has figured this out. The main purpose of subtitles is to enable viewers to understand...

Most Supplements Are a Waste of Money: Which Vitamins Really Benefit

The country's leading nutrition experts believe that healthy adults should prioritize a balanced diet over supplements. Nutritionists recommend that people consult a doctor before taking any nutritional supplements, as excessive use of them can lead to serious complications.…

Scientists: daily coffee consumption reduces the risk of diabetes, hypertension and heart disease

Drinking coffee daily may reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and even heart disease, according to a new study. Writes about this Daily Mail. Scientists have found that even decaf coffee has health benefits. Researchers from the Universities of Navarra in Spain ...

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