At the end of March, a parade of 5 planets is expected: where and how to watch it 

Do not miss the parade of planets, which will take place at the end of March. Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Mars will line up in an arc from March 25 to 30 along with the Moon. Where and how to see this spectacle, told Business Insider. However, Jupiter can sink...

Parade of the Five Planets: How to See This Rare Celestial Phenomenon from the USA

At the end of this month, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to observe a rare astronomical phenomenon called a large planetary alignment. It is also called the parade of planets. Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars and Venus will line up in a small area of ​​the sky, CBS reports. Great planetary alignment...

Five planets and the Moon: a rare parade of celestial bodies can be seen from Earth with the naked eye

We have already written about the parade of planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up in one row. But only on June 24, the Moon will also join them, which will give observers a chance to see the parade of 6 celestial bodies at once, and this happens ...

Parade of planets: US residents can see a rare cosmic phenomenon

Residents of the United States will be lucky enough to watch an unusual sight - 5 planets line up in a row. You can see this beauty now and until the end of June. Where to look and what to look for, the WFSA edition told. If you look at the eastern part of the sky shortly before sunrise, ...

Meteor shower, super full moon and parade of planets: what will please the sky in June

In June, the sky may not be overflowing with astronomical events, but three main ones are worth your attention, according to PopularMechanics. Meteor Shower: Early June The final days of what is now known as the Tau Herculids meteor shower will extend from its peak on May 29-31 until…

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