Four unforgivable mistakes immigrants make to the United States

Getting used to a new country is always difficult. The United States is no exception, where, although representatives of different cultures live, nevertheless, a new linguistic environment and other cultural characteristics are often difficult tasks of adaptation of immigrants, Uzbekimmigrant writes. And if everyone masters ...

4 US Social Security Traps and How to Avoid Them

If you're among the millions of Americans planning to apply for a pension, disability benefits or any other type of Social Security, it would be wise to consider all the options for what could go wrong, USA Today writes. Customer service representatives...

Eight Tax Return Mistakes That Can Cause Problems

Today, January 29, the IRS began accepting 2023 returns. Paying taxes isn't cheap, but you can make it even more difficult and costly if you make mistakes on your return, Yahoo reminds. Here are the 10 most common tax mistakes residents make...

Russian English: subtle mistakes in speech that betray immigrants

It is impossible to learn English perfectly. But people from post-Soviet countries have their own mistakes, which will almost certainly make it clear to a foreigner that you are a Russian speaker. Moreover, the reason for these errors is quite simple - the habit of thinking in Russian. About 20 such errors and...

Why Russian speakers sound rude when speaking English, and how to fix it

Sometimes Russian speakers, speaking in English, sound very rude. This is usually due to the fact that they very literally translate phrases that are pronounced normally in Russian, but do not sound very good in English. On his YouTube channel, Justin shared four moments when Russian-speaking...

Four mistakes that could cost you thousands of dollars in your pension

Social Security supports more than 70 million Americans, from retirees to the disabled to children. It's an incredibly complex system, with an instruction manual spanning 20 pages. It includes 000 rules that can easily confuse applicants and get by...

Seven common mistakes Russian-speaking immigrants make to the United States

The difference in mentality is a stumbling block for many immigrants, especially those who decide to move to another country in adulthood. Unfortunately, sometimes a lack of understanding of local peculiarities can lead not only to funny curiosities, but also significantly complicate adaptation, ...

Top 15 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Shopping at Trader Joe's

Between free samples, sometimes long lines, and the rush to try new products, shopping at Trader Joe's is always an adventure. While the retailer is known for its reasonable prices and interesting merchandise, that doesn't mean shoppers can't fall into traps that can…

We do not know how to count correctly: what mistakes in English do Russian speakers most often

It is clear that if you think logically, it will become clear when to use the singular and when the plural. But there are some nuances and exceptions to the rules that are hard to come by in English, especially for Russian speakers. It was about such nuances that the Online publication told ...

We all move to the US with the perfect plan, but it never works: what usually goes wrong in immigration

I will tell you how my first 3 days in the USA went and what mistakes newcomers to America make. Moscow-Los Angeles flight. We are flying with a terrible cold. When landing, my ear is stuffed up so that even then for 2 days I’m nothing ...

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