Russia defaulted on foreign debt for the first time in 100 years: Kremlin denies it

Russia has defaulted on its foreign-currency sovereign debt for the first time since 1918, the culmination of Western economic sanctions that have left the country unable to make payments to foreign creditors, Axios reported. On June 27, the 30-day grace period expired, during which…

The situation on the bond market indicates the approach of the economic crisis in the US

The US bond market is showing indicators that warn of an imminent economic crisis in the country. For the first time in the last decade, part of the bond yield curve has inverted, writes Time. On December 3, the yield on 5-year Treasury bonds fell below the yield on shorter-term 3-year bonds ...

The situation in the US bond market indicates the approaching economic crisis

The US stock market is approaching record highs. But one of the most famous indicators in the bond market suggests that the US will face another economic recession in about a year. The yield curve that tracks the difference between 10-year and short-term rates has narrowed to ...

Russia increased investment in US government bonds

The volume of Russian investments in US government bonds in June 2015 increased by $ 1,4 billion - up to $ 72 billion, according to the data of the US Treasury. In May, the Russian side also increased its investments in US government securities - by $ 4,1 billion. IN…

Russia in 2014 sold a third of US government bonds

During 2014, Russia reduced its investment in US government bonds by $ 52,6 billion. According to data released by the US Treasury, in December 2013, Russia owned US securities totaling $ 138,6 billion. In December 2014, Russian investments in US government bonds fell to $ 86 billion. The RF most actively sold US government bonds ...

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