This is what happens to the brain of a man in love.

With Valentine's Day approaching, it's a great time to see what the latest scientific research says about love. Neuroscientists have only recently begun to study this feeling, so in many ways it still remains a mystery, writes When you fall in love, you become completely inexplicably obsessed with a certain person.…

The elixir of youth and the longevity gene: how modern science fights aging

Dreams of immortality are as old as humanity itself. Since the beginning of time, people have been looking for ways to prolong the life of themselves and their loved ones, calling for help from the gods, sages, magicians and healers. Philosophers of antiquity discussed the causes of aging, medieval alchemists were looking for a philosopher's stone in ...

Las Vegas businessman offers $ 1 million for proof of life after death

A Las Vegas businessman is offering nearly $ 1 million to answer one of history's eternal questions: "Is there life after death?" Robert Bigelow thinks he knows the answer, but he wonders if you know, writes Pix11. Robert Bigelow is not stingy ...

Electricity from the wall: scientists in the USA have discovered an incredible property of bricks

Scientists from Washington University in St. Louis have found a new use for the oldest building material - red brick. During experiments, bricks were discovered to have a unique property: they can store electricity. The Voice of America talks about this. “The structure of the brick is actually very good...

Big Brother: How are potential criminals secretly monitored in the US?

In 2013, New Orleans had the sixth highest crime rate in the United States. Then the district attorney of the city accused about ten people of extortion, allegedly members of the dealer gangs "3NG" and "the 110ers". They were charged with 25 murders, a number of attempts ...

'Butterfly Effect': Scientists Find Out How Time Travel Affects History

Scientists from the United States have simulated time travel using the IBM-Q quantum computer, writes Esquire. Based on their research, they concluded that there is no butterfly effect in the quantum world. The butterfly effect is a scientific term whose meaning is ...

When and how the universe ceases to exist: scientists predict

Scientific minds weighed everything and presented the most realistic options for the development of events, writes Lifehacker. How it all started and what will happen next We know the past of our Universe: about 14 billion years ago, as a result of the Big Bang, time, space and everything that...

Tests confirmed COVID-19 in papaya and goat: WHO denies poor reagent quality

In Tanzania, a national laboratory has confirmed COVID-19 in papaya samples and analyzes taken from a goat, The Observer reports. The Tanzanian President conducted an experiment with tests for COVID-19. As a result, they showed that the infection is not only in humans, but supposedly in a goat and ...

Coronavirus antibody test: why do you need to do it

Many people who have had a respiratory illness in recent months, but have not done a coronavirus test, are wondering if they were infected with it, write CBS. It is known that thousands of people in the United States could have been asymptomatic with COVID-19. Now the Americans are wondering if they can ...

Russian-speaking biologist in the USA spoke about the most dangerous places during the epidemic

Molecular biologist, professor at the GMU School of Systems Biology Ancha Baranova in an interview with the Voice of America spoke about important precautions in a big city, why Russia is following the American pandemic scenario, as well as about coronavirus strokes and the protocol for recovering from illness. Biologist…

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