In New York, garbage thrown out by the rules will be returned to owners.

In New York, residents will return garbage thrown in the wrong places, as well as increase fines for unauthorized waste disposal, writes Pix11. Employees of utilities will study any information on the discarded items that will help identify the owners of the garbage and return it back. They…

Sheriff accidentally saved a baby who was buried alive

A 5-month-old baby buried under rubble in Montana miraculously survived nine hours later. Police received reports of strange behavior by a man near Lolo Hot Springs, Montana. The call came in at about 8 pm. When the police arrived in the area, more arrived ...

On the streets of San Francisco, found mountains of garbage, needles from syringes and feces

San Francisco is known as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but a survey of over 150 downtown neighborhoods revealed a huge amount of garbage on the streets of San Francisco, including human excrement and needles from syringes. In general, the survey was conducted in 153 quarters, in ...

How one person turned a mountain of garbage into a $ 350 million-strong empire

When Brian Scudamore was 4 years old, he drew a picture of himself hauling trash. “I guess I saw myself as a garbage man,” he told CNBC. Now, at 47, Scudamore is the founder and CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, a multimillion-dollar business that transports waste...

In Miami, in the trash can found the body of a little girl

The body of a little girl was found in the trash can of a Miami-Dade residential complex, writes the Miami Herald. On Sunday afternoon, a man was throwing out the trash when he saw children's feet sticking out of the trash. They were wrapped in a blanket. The man immediately reported it to 911. Arrived ...

Los Angeles may ban the use of food plastic containers

In Los Angeles, the city council approved a study that proposes to ban the use of plastic containers, glasses, and disposable drinking straws. Study leader Sheila Kuehl said that polystyrene, a synthetic material used in a variety of foods, is “so light that the wind often blows out ...

In New York, will introduce a fee for garbage collection

  New York City officials intend to implement a program that will encourage city residents to properly recycle waste. So, the Department of Sanitation, together with the Resource Recycling Systems company, is working on a program under which residents will be sold special bags for general garbage, and they are also developing ...

In Washington, a two-year-old child was fined for a discarded envelope

In Washington, a 2-year-old girl and her mother were fined $ 75 each for littering at the end of the alley where they live. Parents speak of their 2-year-old daughter Harper Westover as the most polite and most obedient child. However, the city authorities do not ...

In Missouri, a husband accidentally threw out his wife's ring for $ 400 thousand

Missouri resident Bernie Skitieri accidentally threw a 12,5-carat engagement ring into the trash can. The family heirloom is worth $ 400. Skitieri's wife Karl had told him the day before that she had left her ring in napkins in the kitchen, but in the morning Bernie forgot ...

In New York, builders accidentally threw diamonds in the trash

In New York, a security guard was arrested for stealing diamonds that builders had mistakenly thrown into the trash. Jewelry store owner J. Birnbaum Jonathan Birnbach kept diamonds in three wooden boxes in an open safe. After the firm, located in a high-rise building in the Manhattan area, moved from one floor to another, the manager ...

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