California seeks $ 63 million lottery win winner

The organizers of the SuperLottoPlus lottery in California did not wait for the owner of the largest prize in the history of the state, $ 63 million, to apply for the money. As an exception, the period for issuing the prize was extended by a week. Writes about this According to the rules of the lottery, its winner must present the winning ...

1 assets of% of the rich equaled the state of all humanity

The wealth of 1% of the richest people in the world, and this is about 73 million people, equaled the wealth of the rest of humanity combined, according to Oxfam, an international union of organizations to fight poverty. The wealth of the richest people in the world has increased by ...

American millionaire and family save refugees

American millionaire Christopher Catrambone spends several months on his ship in the Mediterranean for the second year: together with his wife and daughter, he rescues African refugees trying to get to Europe. Christopher Catrambone, a 33-year-old entrepreneur from New Orleans, has made a fortune in the insurance business: the Tangiers Group, which he founded, sells insurance for workers ...

Autographed from America: How to bring business from overseas

Alexander Krylov lived 20 years in immigration to the United States and brought his business idea from there. It turned out that a purely American "trick" - collecting and reselling autographs of celebrities - took root both in Russia and in Ukraine, and their sale brings round sums. American ...

The driver won the 200 million dollars in the lottery

The 52-year-old truck driver has become a millionaire. Thirty-year trucker Stephen Pelokin bought a lottery ticket at a diner in a Pennsylvania truck stop. As he later said, he simply did not want to carry a change with him and spent it on a ticket. As it turned out, a trifle ...

Millionaire from America offered to create a state for refugees

American millionaire of Jewish origin Jason Buzi, who sells real estate in San Francisco, proposed creating a new state where refugees from any country could live. The businessman expects that his idea, if implemented, will become a radical solution to the problem of internally displaced persons around the world. For…

In Moldova, every three hundredth millionaire

The number of millionaires in Moldova is growing by leaps and bounds. Approximately every XNUMXth person who filed a tax return declared income over a million lei. So far, inspectors have processed only half of the declarations. So this figure may still increase. According to the information of the state tax inspectorate, the declaration on ...

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