Don't Believe the US Tax Myths: What You Need to Know Before Filing in 2023

You may have heard that many taxpayers are in for a big surprise this tax season if they expect a big refund check or close to what they received last year. But this is rather from the category of so-called tax ...

The best in the USSR: five major myths about the Union

More than 30 years ago, in December 1991, the state of the Soviet Union ceased to exist. By that time, the country was in a deep economic crisis, there was no normal choice of products and other necessary goods for sale - many were tired of Soviet reality, and when ...

7 Myths About America 

Honestly, before my first trip to the United States, America seemed to me to some extent a semi-real country. That is, naturally, I knew that somewhere in the western hemisphere, on the other side of the planet, there is a state recognized as a superpower and influencing the whole ...

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