Malaria and West Nile Virus: Mosquito-borne diseases on the rise in the US

Cases of West Nile virus and even malaria are on the rise in the US. How to protect yourself from mosquito-borne diseases this summer, according to Fortune. Malaria most likely doesn't come to mind when you think of using mosquito repellents with this...

Residents of Florida and Texas contracted malaria in the US: these are the first cases in 20 years

For the first time in two decades, malaria infection has been confirmed in people who have not traveled outside the United States, according to the Washington Post. This prompted federal health authorities to warn of the possibility of transmission of the disease, which is spread by mosquitoes, within national borders. Four people have been confirmed...

Myths and truth about mosquitoes - from historical facts to the danger of bites

Mosquito season has begun. Now itching and blisters (often very large in children) will become a frequent occurrence. What dangers are fraught with these annoying insects, which statements about them are true and which are not, the Afisha Daily found out. Fact #1: More dinosaurs have been bitten by mosquitoes…

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