Deciding to move to the USA is not going to solve anything. It is necessary to make another, more difficult choice - the choice of one of fifty states, each of which is good in its own way. American states are so different that one can speak of them as separate countries: ...
The modern world is overloaded with information, and we have to make daily, hourly and minutely decisions about whether we want to know all this? Do we need this data? But the time spent online is not always empty, writes AIN. Self-education is necessary for a person not only ...
Those who have traveled to the United States have often noticed that some people are subjected to different screening by Homeland Security and border control. Someone is allowed in just like that, only after exchanging a couple of courtesies, and someone is given a real interrogation and in the end they are invited to go to ...
Parking for a newcomer in America without spending the entire budget is difficult without experience, especially in the most attractive tourist areas. But with a little educational program, you can use the existing parking infrastructure and park quite successfully and on a budget almost everywhere. In Los Angeles, on the example of which he conducts ...
When buying a car that has already run on American roads, we strongly recommend checking its history yourself, as this will allow you to avoid unnecessary problems and take care of safety. In most cases, you will have to pay for the service of checking the history of the vehicle, however ...
When I first moved to America, I was young and inexperienced and constantly compared prices, converting the currency of my native state into dollars and vice versa. “Oh God, how expensive everything is!” I thought for the first few months and lamented that good...
Federal laws in America apply throughout the country, in every state and city. Congress and the president have an important role to play in drafting and enforcing these laws, but they are not alone, Share America writes. “We need the State Department. We need a Department ...
For people living in Western countries, morning shower, toilet paper and toilet are a matter of course. But from the point of view of most of the rest of the world, such habits are somewhat strange. And not very hygienic. Back in 2010 ...
It can be difficult to know whether to tip the people who come to your home to do a particular job. It turns out that there are special rules for answering this question. To avoid embarrassing situations, follow the advice of an etiquette consultant. Editorial ...
When we first arrived for an interview, it turned out that we had to stand in line on the street, which is stomping from the cold from foot to foot across the street from the entrance to the consulate. As in the best pictures about queues for sausage in the USSR. Between…