Check your basement: Apple's old tech can cost up to a million dollars

In 2014, Bonhams put up a rare Apple-1 computer for auction in New York. It was estimated to have cost anywhere from $ 300 to $ 000 and ended up selling for a whopping $ 500, CNBC reported. Six years later, according to the auction ...

Died programmer who simplified the life of most people on the planet

Larry Tesler, one of the first programmers who played a key role in making computers available to everyone, not just specialists, has died at the age of 74, BBC reports. Tesler, in particular, developed and implemented the “cut-copy-paste” function (Сtrl+x/Сtrl+c/Сtrl+v), as well as many...

California wants to introduce energy saving rules for using computers

The California Energy Commission has unveiled a set of rules that are expected to be voted on by the end of the year. Personal computer users can help the state save nearly $ 400 million annually. If the new rules are adopted, they will come into force in 2 stages ...

Kansas couple sues geolocation company for “digital hell”

In 2011, James Arnold and his wife, Teresa, moved to the countryside in Kansas with their two sons. They rented a house, which is located near the school, where their son goes, and the nursing home, where Teresa's mother lives. ...

IBM gave the world access to its “electronic brain”

The American company IBM, one of the largest software manufacturers, has decided to provide third-party companies with access to its Watson artificial intelligence system. IBM services will be available on the Watson IoT cloud platform for the development of cognitive solutions for the analysis of texts, video files and images, and ...

American company scared off Chinese hackers

US cybersecurity company CrowdStrike said it has succeeded in stopping Chinese hacker attacks on a US tech company for the first time, hoping to successfully protect other companies from hacker attacks in the future. As Reuters told Reuters, the co-founder and host of ...

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