How false IRS employees from India lured money from Americans

In late September, a woman in National City, California, answered a call where a voice on the other end said she was in trouble with the IRS and was accused of "tax evasion or tax fraud." The man introduced himself as an employee ...

In India, phone scammers extorted from Americans immediately "pay taxes"

Police in the western Indian city of Thane have detained more than 750 people suspected of defrauding US citizens using a call center set up for fraudulent operations. According to police, the scammers had a list of US citizens who had not paid taxes. Posing as ...

How to build an effective business in the United States with remote employees

Every time a businessman who plans to organize his own business in the USA or expand an existing business is faced with the question of finding suitable employees. It is not always possible to recruit a large staff at once, in which all the links will work like a well-coordinated mechanism. Besides…

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