Scientists fed rats cola for 2 months, and they became noticeably dumb: researchers ask people to think

In a new study, a team of scientists found that feeding rats soft drinks like Coke and Pepsi did a lot of brain damage, causing memory problems, cognitive impairment and cellular distress. The Futurism edition told more about the experience. Of course, soda isn't quite...

'Kolo-Cola': kvass with the taste of cola, consecrated by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, will be sold in Russia

In Russia, they decided to produce kvass with the taste of cola, while each batch will be consecrated by a priest. Such a miracle drink will be called Cola-Cola. Moscow Speaks about it. Funky Monkey CEO Vyacheslav Gavrilenkov confirmed this information. He said that the design of the bottle suggests…

Healthy 2-Ingredient Cola Alternative: Recipe Goes Viral on TikTok

A new trend is gaining popularity on TikTok - users are making a healthier version of cola from two common ingredients. Insider talked about how to prepare this drink. This trend causes mixed feelings among users: some like this drink, others don’t...

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