North Korea threatens US with a nuclear strike

North Korea has announced its readiness to use nuclear weapons against the United States if it continues to adhere to “its reckless hostile policy” towards the regime of Kim Jong Un, CNN reports. In an official statement from Pyongyang on Tuesday, North Korea reported an improvement...

WikiLeaks has published all the documents stolen from Sony

The WikiLeaks website has published the full array of data stolen by unknown hackers from the Sony corporation when the film "Interview" was being prepared. The site contains over 30 thousand documents and 170 thousand emails. The press release notes that upon first publication, the original archives, not structured for search, ...

The film "The Interview" was sent to North Korea in balloons

South Korean activist Lee Min-bok said he sent thousands of DVDs of the American political comedy "The Interview" to North Korea via balloons. Lee said he launched the first balloon in January and the last one last Saturday. Total…

US Ambassador cut face and arm in Seoul

North Korea called the attack on the US ambassador to South Korea "just punishment for American militarists." A report from the Korean Central News Agency said the attacker "unleashed a knife-like stream of justice." Ambassador Mark Lippert was stabbed in the face and arm during a business...

North Korea has developed a plan for a nuclear war against the South

The DPRK has developed a plan to invade the Republic of Korea, which will take no more than a week. In case of resistance from South Korea and the opposition of the US Army, North Korea is ready to complete the capture of the south of the peninsula in 15 days, reports on Thursday, January 8, the South Korean newspaper Korea JoongAng Daily. ...

FBI: North Korean hackers were "careless" in attack on Sony

FBI Director James Comey said he was confident of North Korea's involvement in the cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment late last year. This statement was made by the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday, speaking at a conference on computer security in New York. ...

North Korea outraged by US sanctions

North Korea is outraged by the US imposition of new sanctions in connection with the accusations of hacking Sony Pictures computers. DPRK state television quoted a spokesman for the North Korean Foreign Ministry as calling the sanctions "hostile and repressive." The statement also noted that the sanctions "will only strengthen Pyongyang's desire to protect ...

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