More than 2050 billion people will face water shortages by 5 due to climate change

The United Nations (UN) has confirmed that water crises are fueled by climate change. As a result, many areas are vulnerable to floods, hurricanes and droughts. The edition of The Hill spoke about this in more detail. A report published by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) states, ...

A catastrophe like in The Day After Tomorrow: the currents of the world's oceans are slowing down, and this threatens with strong hurricanes

The influential system of currents in the Atlantic Ocean, which plays a vital role in the redistribution of heat throughout the entire climate system of our planet, is now moving more slowly than in the last 1600 years. This is the conclusion of a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience by some of the leading ...

Business to save the planet: how to make money to fight global warming

The 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, returned America to the Paris Climate Agreement, from which his predecessor Donald Trump took the country out. The world is spending billions on fighting climate change, but the results are still unclear. Despite all the efforts of the international community to reduce ...

Americans are afraid of having children because of the possible end of the world

Americans are worried about climate change and are increasingly choosing not to have children because of fears that their descendants may face an apocalypse or resource wars. More details about the unusual thinking of Americans told the publication Hromadske. 607 American adults from 27 ...

Animals die out like dinosaurs: scientists say it threatens civilization

The sixth mass extinction of biological species in the history of the planet is taking place on Earth, the scale of which can only be compared with the death of dinosaurs, according to a study by Mexican and American scientists. Writes about this BBC. Experts analyzed data on endangered animals and found that fate ...

The planet began climate change, which was expected only by the end of the century

It was believed that the establishment of a hot and humid climate in the tropics and subtropics, which would undermine the economy in these regions and exceed the limits of physiological survival of people, will occur if the planet continues to warm up only towards the end of the century. Scientists were wrong - a new study states that these ...

The most vulnerable coastal city in the world: what will happen to Miami by 2040

Over the next two decades, rising sea levels, storm surges and high winds could be more devastating to Florida than at any time in its history, and wipe out the state's $ 1 trillion economy, according to a new report that ...

How accurate were climate change predictions made 20 years ago

In 2000, experts made predictions about climate change on the planet, which, in their opinion, should have occurred in 20 years. Were these predictions accurate? USA Today offers to understand. “This is what predictive models correctly told us 20 years ago: ...

Los Angeles and other US cities will turn into desert by 2080: list

There is no doubt that America's weather is changing. The ice in the Arctic is melting rapidly, the oceans are rising and the heat is intensifying. Some warm and dry areas will get hotter to the point where by the end of the century the weather conditions can be ...

Growing at an alarming rate: carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere has reached a record level

According to a report published by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the concentration of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) in the Earth's atmosphere has reached an all-time high. Writes about this NBC News. In 2018, the average global concentration of greenhouse gas, a by-product of fossil fuel combustion, reached ...

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