IT specialists from around the world work every day in Silicon Valley, creating innovative technologies and earning millions of dollars from them. Hard work and lack of free time often lead to burnout and psychological problems. To have fun and at least one ...
The 21st century is the time of homo computerus, and there is no modern person who has not at least once thought about going to work in IT. And what? Profitable, promising, prestigious. And so homo computerus opens a website with a list of the most in-demand IT specialties of the year and begins to think...
People from post-Soviet countries pay a lot of attention to the technical side of completing tasks, but they lack communication skills and empathy. A recruiter and startup owner in Silicon Valley told Voice of America about this. IT specialists are among those who often leave...
Does it make sense for a tester to move to the USA and build a career there? Is there a demand for QA? Does anyone else need manual testers? What salary can you expect? DOU collected stories from three Ukrainian testers in the United States to find answers. Natalia ...
The coronavirus has pushed the global economy to the brink of a crisis and hit the American labor market hard. According to the latest data, a total of 47 million people have lost their jobs in the United States. The average unemployment rate jumped from 3,6% in January this year to 13,3% in ...
It is absolutely impossible to imagine modern life without technology - various programs are constantly being developed and improved to make our lives easier; new useful devices are created; technology and automation have penetrated almost all areas of human life, even those that previously seemed completely “manual”.…
The exodus from Silicon Valley continues. Strategic planning expert Mark Emmer talks about why he and his wife left the region and where innovators are heading to put down new roots. Next - from the first person. Me and my...
Telephone systems, server testers, Internet telephony. In this and other areas, small companies of Russians compete with giants, writes Victoria Kostoeva in an article for ForumDaily publishes an abbreviated article. World-famous Russian IT companies are not only David Yan's ABBYY ...
Recently, more and more American companies are offering jobs that do not require being in the office. First of all, such vacancies are in demand among parents who can raise their children and earn money from the comfort of their homes, writes The most popular sites, ...
The popular portal about modern technologies has compiled a list of American IT companies that performed the best at the end of 2015. In addition, a similar list was compiled consisting of Silicon Valley companies that, according to experts, should change a lot in their work in the next year. In the "good" rating...