How to remove information about you from the Internet, and why to do it

With so much personal data publicly on the internet, people have a healthy interest in controlling the flow of information. Some take matters into their own hands by opting out of certain data collection websites or using paid data removal services. How…

Better to delete: in which services you should not throw your account

Most Internet users rarely think about deleting an account on sites that they no longer need. Usually people just stop using the service, and the completed profile with personal information remains gathering dust on the server, waiting for a hack. In this regard, with reference to ...

Every flight attendant has a tablet full of information about passengers: what they know about us

It is human nature to want to know what people say and know about them. You may not know this, but the flight attendants on your flight have iPads chock-full of information about you. But don't worry, they don't send it anywhere. What information about...

All you wanted to know about coronavirus but were embarrassed to ask: WHO answers

As the coronavirus spreads around the world, there are many theories and fakes about where it came from, what symptoms it causes. The World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to provide answers to the most common questions about the virus and the disease it causes. What is Coronavirus? Coronaviruses make up ...

Updates and useful resources: everything you need to know during an emergency due to coronavirus

Due to the spread of the 2019-nCoV coronavirus in New York, the city authorities have created resources where you can find up-to-date information and instructions regarding actions during the state of emergency in the country. For the latest information and the latest news on COVID-19 in the state, visit ...

How to protect yourself from identity theft

Thieves who have gained access to your personal information - Social Security number, birth certificate, PIN or credit card number - can apply for credit in your name, leaving you with a huge debt without you even knowing...

What you need to know about the card of the New Yorker IDNYC

IDNYC, the city's free municipal ID program, is offering discounts and rewards to IDNYC cardholders for the fifth year in a row. The program is the largest of its kind in the country and provides numerous benefits to New Yorkers from all walks of life, from access to…

How to permanently erase search queries in Google

Chances are, Google knows you better than friends or family. Each of your search queries or videos on YouTube allows the search giant to collect information on you so that it can then prepare contextual advertising specifically for you. But Google's “knowledge” of you can be corrected ...

How to figure out what Facebook knows about you: instructions

Like many others, the USA Today journalist uploaded the data that Facebook had collected about him all these years, and, as the journalist himself admits, he became scared. The social network is convenient in that it shows the latest photos of users, you can stay in touch with old ...

What dangers a Getcontact application can carry and how to remove it

How the GetContact service works, does it violate the law, and why in Kazakhstan the application turned into Pootin. In February 2018, the GetContact application became popular in Runet, with the help of which users can find out under what name they are recorded in the contact list of ...

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