How Alice from the Soviet Union became Ayn Rand and created the cult book of world literature

The whole world knows her name, in the books of this author there is both the purest truth and complete fiction. How an immigrant from the Soviet Union managed to become famous all over the world and create works that still cause controversy, Alpina Book said. Live in…

She lost her children and the right to return to the USA: the refusal of a green card by marriage crippled the life of an immigrant

Miriam Herrera asked a relative from Twin Falls, Idaho, to look after her children for two weeks while she and her husband flew to the US-Mexico border to accomplish what they have been waiting for for the past 5 years. What happened next and why...

Russian-speaking woman robbed her employer in Philadelphia for $ 200 thousand

The controller of a packaging company in Pennsylvania was sentenced to two years in prison for stealing nearly $ 200 from the company, Market Watch writes. Victoria Mazur, 000, from Pittsburgh, worked at Gateway Packaging Corporation from 54 to 2012, in ...

Through harassment and domestic violence: how an immigrant from Russia achieved success in the USA

When Maria made the decision to go to the USA, she could not imagine what difficulties she would have to go through in order to achieve the “American Dream”. Before making a decision on immigration, she already visited the country under the Work and travel program, in the end ...

Live one hundred percent: the secrets of longevity of the 101-year-old Russian-speaking immigrant from New York

March 19, 2020 Lydia Gerinstein from New York turned 101 years old. This amazing woman knows firsthand: life after the centenary not only exists, but can also be full and interesting. About her joys, worries and secrets of longevity Lydia Rafailovna ...

Immigrant with three children took refuge in the church of Manhattan

An illegal immigrant from Guatemala with three children asked for asylum from immigration authorities at a church in Manhattan. Amanda Morales, an illegal resident of the United States since 2004, said she decided to seek asylum after meeting with ICE officers. Morales said that in ...

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