Promising vacancy: IBM is looking for interns for projects

IBM Intern Openings 2023 Bangalore is a great opportunity for graduates to start their career as project interns. This well-known company invites people who want to gain hands-on experience in the technology field, Thau reports. IBM is committed to creating an environment where...

IBM employee didn't go to work for 15 years because of a sick leave, and now he sued the company because he was not getting a pay rise

Ian Clifford from Britain, an IBM IT specialist, sued his company for not giving him a pay raise for 15 years. And this is despite the fact that the man has been on sick leave since 2008 and from that ...

IBM will create 25 thousands of new jobs in the US

Ginny Rometty, CEO of technology company IBM, announced the organization's intention to create 25 new jobs in the United States over the next 4 years. Six thousand of them will be created already in 2017, the head of the company wrote in her column ...

IBM gave the world access to its “electronic brain”

The American company IBM, one of the largest software manufacturers, has decided to provide third-party companies with access to its Watson artificial intelligence system. IBM services will be available on the Watson IoT cloud platform for the development of cognitive solutions for the analysis of texts, video files and images, and ...

IBM terminated contract with another Russian IT company

The American corporation IBM unilaterally terminated the contract with another Russian IT company - NVision Group, which was recently acquired by MTS. NVision Group has ceased to be a partner of IBM and has been unable to supply its hardware and software since mid-July. Olga Proskuryakova, IBM representative in Russia and the CIS, confirmed this ...

IBM will transfer personal data of Russians to Russia

Kirill Korniliev, who is the CEO of IBM in Eastern Europe and Asia, made a statement that soon all personal data of Russians will be transferred to servers in Russia. He argues that this is not a problem for IBM. ...

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